Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What do I have to say?

So it's the new year and things are going better than I ever would have imagined. Tim and I are, well, perfect. I can't even imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. We've never fought or had any problems. His lease is up in April so we've been doing a lot of research on home loans and looking around. We're also planning on getting engaged before the end of the year, so that will be exciting.

I got a call tonight from a photography company where I would be working full time for quite a bit more than I'm making now, AND I would have my own office. Sweet, huh? I'm really excited about my interview tomorrow. I know I can nail it and it will just be one more step on my way to becoming a professional and starting my own studio some day. Plus, I really want to be able to contribute to supporting Tim and I.

I made some goals for myself for this year including:

* Drink less soda and more water
* Eat more healthy food
* Lose some weight
* Get a better job
* Save up for a better car
* Save up for a house
* Think more seriously about college
* Stay close with my parents/brother
* Be the best I can be

I know it's a long list, but I believe in myself. For the first time in my life I've had to become almost fully responsible for myself. I'd also like to turn that into "entirely" responsible for myself. My parents are still paying for my car insurance and phone bill, which they nag about and I constantly blow off. I need to get better about budgeting myself and saving money. I want to learn good habits now so that finances will be easier later in life.

Basically I feel like I really grew up a lot last year. I don't want that process to stop. I'm going to give it all I've got. 150% baby!!!