Sunday, November 26, 2006

I've Been Lost In Thought All Morning

I guess this whole "deep thinking" thing started this morning when I was sitting around at church waiting for it to start. I had brought along "The Valkyries" by Paulo Coelho (on loan from Charis) and decided to read that while I waited. It's a really good book. Eventually, I will read all of his books. He has given me more insight into life and the world than any religion ever has. I thought more about the words I had just read than the sermon, which was going in one ear and out the other ear. Until the pastor came to a certain proverb:

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

So what, my religion is telling me not to have a mind of my own? I sat there gawking for the rest of the service as the pastor continued to feed us lines like "Don't trust your feelings when making decisions, because they are worthless." and "Follow the path in your life where you can feel God's presence. Then you will experience no hardships."

Don't listen to my feelings? Don't make my own decisions? That I can't accept.

And even more so, he was telling us that if you do anything and everything that this "God" asks, you will have a wonderful life free from problems. Is it really that simple? I think not. I'm sorry to say it, but shit happens. It's a cruel world. Even the most faithful person can meet there own tragic ending. Even if they did everything right, ultimately if some crazy person wants to go and kill a crowd of innocent people, it'll happen. Believing in God isn't going to help you then.

Ironically, "The Valkyries" is about the author and his wife going on a journey to find his "angel". This part made sense to me:

"Angels are love in motion. They never rest, they struggle to grow, and they are beyond good and evil. Love that consumes all, that destroys all, that forgives all. Angels are made of that love, and are at the same time its messengers.

"The love of the exterminating angel, who one day will take away our soul, and of the guardian angel, who brings our soul back. Love is in motion."

"Love at war," Chris said.

"There is no love in peace. Whoever seeks peace is lost."

Sorry, I'm just a bit frustrated. It's one thing to have a religion forced on you, but it's a completely different thing if you don't agree with that religion at all.

Thank you "Mr. Mark". Lovely photo, indeed.

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