While I sat there I felt a lot better though. I guess it's a good thing that I live in Oregon, because I love the rain. I actually sunk into some pretty deep meditation, which was really nice. I listened to everything; the wind, the trees, the rain. I felt deeply at peace, and when I came inside I just felt clean. Almost cleansed. I know there are still problems in my life, but I'm trying really hard to look at life in a new light. Every incident has choices which I can make, the outcome of which, I can blame no one but myself for.
I guess you could say that I am trying to grow up. I don't want to, but I know I have to. That doesn't mean I can't be afraid of the future though. There's a lot of things I want in my future, some of which I've caught glimpses of and felt the strong possibility of, but I can never be sure.
I want what anyone would want for them self. I want happiness, love, stability, joy, and achievement. I may not be terribly ambitious, but I know there are things I want for myself and I just don't want those things to be forgotten or pushed aside. I want people to see me clearly.
Pretty photo thanks to "torontofotobug".
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