Saturday, December 23, 2006

My Weakness

Why are we the most vulnerable when we are at our highest point? Do we think we are unbeatable because we are on top of the world and forget to hold up our defenses? Do we simply choose not to acknowledge troubles that are staring us in the face? And then, those same demons grow into terrible monsters who can rip us down in one blow and leave us feeling broken for good.

"It is as if you were in a foreign country, able to see and understand everything that's going on around you but incapable of explaining what you need to know or of being helped, because you don't understand the language they speak there."

I was honestly reaching a point in my life where I thought I was happy. I thought that I had forgotten the memories that were not worth keeping anymore. I thought that I had let go feelings of worthlessness that used to trouble me. I felt as if I was once again on top of the world and nothing could bring me down.

Trust me, I still want to feel like that. There are so many reasons for me to be happy. So many good things in my life. So much love. Why is it that one night full of thoughts and memories with nothing but my own mind to listen to, can make me feel as if I've slipped back down?

I know I am stronger than this. I know I deserve so much more. Once again, I feel as if I have been given a chance, but now I am too scared to take it. There might be something good right in front of me and I am to afraid to see it through. I am broken. Damaged material.

Something or someone give me the strength.

Thankfully, I have just found that strength, right when I needed it.

Thank you for calling, Nick.

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