Saturday, February 10, 2007


I should be cleaning my room, or at least working on some homework, but no. Oh well.

I had an odd week. Terribly busy and full of school and extracurricular stuff, but fun, nonetheless. It was odd, however, when I started thinking about my life after reading the play "A Doll's House" (which we read in AP Lit).

The only reason why Nate and I stayed together for so long is because we knew each other so well. We knew practically everything about each other. That just made it all the easier to change how we acted around each other. We knew what kind of people we had to be to please one another. We knew what things to talk about and what not to. We knew each other's personalities and played the opposite roles perfectly.

I nearly gawked when I realized this in class. And then we got to this line:

"You have never loved me. You only thought it pleasant to be in love with me."


Everything makes so much more sense now. We were both just tired of acting. In the end of the play the main character, Nora, realizes that her long marriage with her husband, Tourvald, has really meant nothing. Their entire relationship was based on public image and fitting roles set by society. She contemplates suicide, but they end up parting at the end of the play.

Now I am even happier about my situation with Jon. We really don't know each other too well... yet. Instead of all this time around each other, adapting to preferences, I've been able to act like myself around him. I can talk about classical composers or pieces we're working on in band and he doesn't get bored. I can show him a day's worth of line work from art and he'll tell me what he really thinks, not just a polite compliment. Everything is different in an amazing way. I mean, Thursday night we just sat in his car and listened to music with him singing along half the time and pointing to me after lines like "I would do anything for you, babe" and such. I'm not sure what else to say. What's left to say?

Okay, well now that I've got that little bit out, I'm done for today. I am going to go drink some of my amazing Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea and get ready to go. I'm spending the day at Jon's house today... :)

This one is one of mine. This is all I do in art class now that our teacher is gone...

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