Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Day Finally Came

My dad now knows that I am agnostic. I've been waiting for this day to come for a long time, but dreading it all the while. I found his reaction odd. Instead of being mad, he's just sad. Depressed. He thinks he's failed. I, on the other hand, don't think that at all. I'm glad he finally knows. Part of me knows that my decision to declare myself as agnostic came from the fact that years ago he began forcing me to go to church and forcing Christianity on me. Rebellion is a part of all teenager's lives, especially from parents.

There's to many other religions in the world to be able to commit myself to just one, or at least right now. That's what life is for.

I'm just hoping that the rest of today turns out alright. I had plans to go out with Jon and I'm really nervous that my dad might try to ruin those.

I'm going to go run now. More blog to come afterwards.

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