Tuesday, September 02, 2008


So the placement test went good. Yes. Now I don't know what to do. I'm having trouble filling out my FAFSA because my parents won't help me. I dunno what's going to happen. I would love to go to school, but it would just be too hard right now.

On that note, the job fell through. I got it and worked there for almost the whole week until... well it's a long story. The week before they had gotten a temp before I could start. Then I started on Monday and the temp taught me everything. Then half way through the week the boss offers MY job to the temp! She was planning on going on a mission trip and she didn't want to take my job so she said no. After some talking, he convinced her that she would be hired on as a second receptionist and do some extra work around the office. She agreed. Then he left the office for the day and had someone fire me because they liked the temp better. SKDJFKSDJhf. Frustrating.

Anyway, I've been working with my mom since, which has been really good. I REALLY enjoy working with her. It's nice and I still get to spend time with her. I just wish she had more work so I could work with her more. People keep giving me crap for not having a job, but I'm bringing in just as much if not more than Tim by working with my mom and doing free lance photography work. Yesterday I did some senior pictures. If I could do one photography gig a week I wouldn't HAVE to work!

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