Tuesday, December 09, 2008

That Time of Year

Around this time of year I always have to stop and remind myself of all the great things in life. Especially in this past year I have learned it never helps to dwell on the bad things. You can do a lot more in life if you think of the positive and all the ways you can help yourself get there. Tim has been a big part in helping me come to this realization. He is such a wonderful person. I really look up to him and respect him. I love who I have become with him.

I am also so thankful for my family. My parents have really proven to be great parents. We've had our differences, but it means the world to me that they have both been there for me in the past year. Especially in the past couple of months. Even though they have different beliefs than me they have continued to love and support me. I respect that immensely. In addition, I am incredibly thankful for Tim's family. They have accepted me into their lives and welcomed me with open arms.

I am so excited for Christmas. We should be getting our Christmas tree soon as well as putting up decorations. I've been buying presents slowly over the last few months so now I have bunches! I can't wait to see Tim's grandparents in Silverton. I've only gotten to see them once and I couldn't believe how incredibly nice and generous they were.

Anyway, I'm thankful for a lot of things. I'm incredibly thankful for Tim. This past year has had it's ups and downs but both of us have grown so much through that and I am so blessed to have met him and have him in my life.

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