Saturday, July 11, 2009


Wow I haven't been writing at all lately! I've been busy working a LOT with my mom. So much in fact that I've paid off all my bills! I would like to get a second part time job, but we'll see.

I was hoping to start at MHCC this fall, but didn't find out that I was going to be getting financial aid until AFTER the deadline to the application to the photography program so I'm not quite sure what to do... plus if we end up moving soon, Tim would like to move to Hilsboro so going to Gresham for school would be crazy.

Other than that, things are alright. My parents are completely divorced now. All moved into separate houses and everything. I don't even hear from my dad anymore...

But yeah! Things are good. :) I'm SO proud of Tim working at Intel! I definitely picked a keeper haha!

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