Monday, June 07, 2010

Drive Better

You know what really bothers me? Stupid drivers. This morning on my way to work traffic was not good but also not horrible, as usual. I like to think that I'm a pretty good driver. I try to be courteous to the other people on the road. One of the biggest things that I try to watch is following distance. You never know when you're going to need to stop quickly or have extra room in front of you if some crazy rear ends you.

Anyway, I'm driving along this morning with a decent amount of following distance between me and the truck in front of me. Traffic was going about 30-40 with frequent stops. All of a sudden, I get this guy in a Saturn behind me tailing me so close I couldn't even see his headlights. In my opinion, you shouldn't get that close to someone. Maybe at a stoplight, but I suppose it depends on the car. If some guy is going 40 behind me and I can't even see his headlights he's too fucking close.

I threw my hands up in a "what the eff are you doing?" gesture and he continued to rage behind me giving me nasty looks and motioning for me to scoot up. Eventually he ended up going around me and getting stuck in the other lane while my lane sped by.

What I really don't understand is the desire to drive and even live so recklessly. What good is it really going to do you to get to your destination a minute sooner? Is the risk of a potential accident really worth it? Not only are you endangering yourself when you drive like a jackass, but you're also endangering everyone else around you on the road. Man up and stop driving like a dick.

1 comment:

Andrew Bragg said...

Whenever that happens i just go greulingly slow. Its awesome when you are on a one lane street.