Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Why is it so difficult to be honest sometimes? Honest with others, with ourselves, with our feelings... We're constantly being told how to act, how to react, how to suck it up when we're feeling discouraged or scared. Like somehow it's supposed to be easier to pretend than to just be honest.

Honesty, to me, is saying what you feel without fearing what others may think. It's about exposing that fragile part of yourself to others when they might not feel the same way. Honesty is about believing in yourself and your choices.

In the past, I think I've tried to convince myself and others that I was a different person, something artificial and alien. I'm coming to realize it's a lot easier to just be honest. Honesty might be excruciatingly hard to accept at first, but the feeling of being rid of guilt and fear is absolutely worth it in the end.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Over One Year?!?

The last time I wrote anything was OVER A YEAR AGO? What the hell?!? How did ONE WHOLE YEAR go by already?

Well, what's happened in the past year:

-Tim proposed last Christmas eve! <3
-The wedding is June 29th, 2012
-I am one year closer to finishing college!

I guess those would be the major points from the last year. :)

Other than that... my mom is in India right now! I bet she's having a ton of fun. It's kind of weird though, I haven't gone for a week without talking to her in ages. I miss her! Also, it's a little worrying because she can't use her phone there so I haven't heard from her since she left her layover in New York on Tuesday.

I know I keep saying it, but I think I'm going to start writing again. I really miss writing. Tim is constantly telling me how great he thinks my writing is and that I should start my own Android blog or something. Haha there's certainly a lack of female Android writers... :P