Saturday, November 18, 2006

Interrupted Thoughts

Hm. I got on to write something, but yet again my mind has gone blank. The only thing I could remember was "Oh. I need to change my profile on here. I'm single now..."

I found some poetry I wrote a while ago. Maybe I'll put it on here instead of where it's at now so it's not lost forever.

We Live

We look to the past to remind ourselves of all we hold dear.
We run from the past to escape from all that we wish we could forget.
We live in the present because that's all we can do.
We live in the future to give ourselves some sense of control.
We live in the future to escape from the past and the present.
No matter where or why, we live.

My Ammunition

You told me I shouldn't want
So I guess I won't.

I'll stop wanting to be happy,
I'll stop wanting to make something of myself,
I'll stop wanting to travel,
I'll stop wanting to believe.

I can't be all that you ask for,
I know I never will.
I just wish I knew,
How to make you happy by being myself.

There is no happy ending
For those who want
Only a life time of shattered dreams,
Broken hearts,
And disappointment.

That is what you told me.

Maybe though
I realize that you don't matter.
Why should I plan my life how you want it to be?
I shouldn't.

Maybe I should want.
Want all the things I hold dear
And find precious
And for you, that's too bad.

If I fall, I know there are those who will pick me up
Even when you laugh at me
As I lay broken on the ground
I know someone will come.

So I do
I do dare to want
To dream
To live.

The things in life
That hurt us the most
Only make us stronger
And that shall be my ammunition.

I Can't Remember

I can't remember you
Because I never knew you

I can't hear your voice in my head
Because I never heard it

I can't picture your face
Because I never saw it

I can't read your thoughts
Because I never heard them

I can't smile back at you
Because I never saw you smile

I can't remember you
Because I never got the chance to know you

An Eternal Love

No matter what I tell myself,
I know this feeling is for real
I know you love and care for me
And know just how I feel.

I can't imagine life again,
Now that we're so close
Of all the things to lose in life
It's you I'd miss the most.

If I ever make you mad,
Or say things that aren't true
Please know forevermore
I'll always be there for you.

I hate to try to plan the ever changing,
Or dwell too much on dreams
But being right there by your side
Is as right as it seems.

As sure as the stars shine,
Or the moon high above
Just remember that
You'll always have my love.

I guess that's all for now. I've got to go clean.

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