Sunday, May 27, 2007


I had a weird dream last night and I just wanted to see if I could sit down and try to remember it all...

So I was at a party with someone... and my brother. I can't remember the someone. Eventually we decided to leave. Someone went back to our house (which was an apartment in NY) with Andrew and I went to the "someone's" house. It was raining. We ran inside to this gorgeous mansion and watched the news in a marble floored room. He told me I could go get pj's. I don't know why I was staying the night or how I knew my way around. His mom showed up and led me to her room where I went through cabinets and drawers looking for clothes but all I seemed to find was different shaped slippers and hair flowers. I was crawling into silk sheets when my mom woke me up this morning. I can't remember who it was or what was going on really!!! GAH!

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