Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Unable To Function

I can't handle anything right now. Everything is going downhill. No one seems happy. This is my last month of high school and it's feeling terrible. I feel like I don't even exist to Jon. He blew off going to the beach with me tomorrow. In the span of being home for a half an hour, I got calls from two people (Kristin and Brooke) needing to talk because they're having similar problems with everything going wrong.

I need a sign.

1 comment:

Tim Green said...

I hope that going to the beach made you feel as refreshed as it made me feel. Im extremely happy you decided to go. It was a lot of fun and i hope it made you forget about the bad things that have been happening lately. I for one was happy to see you able to smile and relax ;)

anyway back to sparta for me. I hope you have a good weekend