Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wam and Cozy

That's what our living room is now! I just finished painting it the Divine color "Shade" which is a warm brown. It looks so nice! I can't wait to get everything all cleaned up and put back together! :D

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Speaking Of

Coelho Books. I need to read them all.

Ones I've read:
The Alchemist
The Valkyries
Veronica Decides to Die
Eleven Minutes
The Devil and Miss Prym

Need to read:
The Pilgrimage
The Zahir
The Fifth Mountain
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
Warrior of the Light
The Witch of Portobello

Lost Words

I feel like I can't write as well as I used to.

I go back and read some of the posts I used to publish and I don't know how I came up with half of the things I said. So much of it was so deep and analytical. I miss that. I miss writing. Then again I'm thankful because a lot of what I wrote was when I was depressed and forced to be thinking. I guess it's good that I'm not spending as much time on the computer as I used to. Haha it's even harder to type long paragraphs fast because I haven't had to in so long.

I got the new Anberlin CD today. I really like them. It's one of those bands I want to follow closely.

Tim is at school. His first day of class for this term. I'm kinda jealous of him. I wish my family would pay for me to go to school. I wish my family still thought highly of me. I wish they could love me for who I am and not just for what I believe in.

I feel like I need to read another Coelho book. The last one I read was "The Devil and Miss Prym" and it wasn't too terribly deep... I still liked it though. I think I have one I haven't read yet, but I'm in the mood to read "The Alchemist" again or something. It seems silly though because I have several books I should be reading right now.

What else... oh I've started crocheting stuffed animals. I'm working on a bunny right now. It's pretty fun.

Umm... I guess that's pretty much it. Things are going well. Really well, actually. Me and Tim are making awesome progress on the house. I'm still trying to convince him he should make a deal with his grandparents to either sell it to us so we could flip it or put some more work into it and we could make a profit to put towards a down-payment on our own first house.

Anyway, I'll try to get back into the writing kick, if nothing else to keep a record.

Birthdays Suck

So yesterday was my mom's birthday. I thought it would be nice over the past weekend to take her and my family out to breakfast at their favorite place. Too bad they were almost an hour late and by the time they got there Tim had to leave. I am told it was my fault but whatever. Oh and then my dad lets it slip that my grandparents threw a party for my mom as well a few nights prior and I wasn't invited. Even further no one even told me. That's some great family for you.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Best cookies?

2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup (stick) butter flavored shortening
3/4 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
Most of one big package of vanilla pudding
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups (half a bag) tiny chocolate chips
Little bit of milk

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Silly High School Girls

Can I please start off by saying how extremely grateful I am that I am NOT in high school anymore.

Gah I can't write right now. Can't decipher my thoughts. More later.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


So the placement test went good. Yes. Now I don't know what to do. I'm having trouble filling out my FAFSA because my parents won't help me. I dunno what's going to happen. I would love to go to school, but it would just be too hard right now.

On that note, the job fell through. I got it and worked there for almost the whole week until... well it's a long story. The week before they had gotten a temp before I could start. Then I started on Monday and the temp taught me everything. Then half way through the week the boss offers MY job to the temp! She was planning on going on a mission trip and she didn't want to take my job so she said no. After some talking, he convinced her that she would be hired on as a second receptionist and do some extra work around the office. She agreed. Then he left the office for the day and had someone fire me because they liked the temp better. SKDJFKSDJhf. Frustrating.

Anyway, I've been working with my mom since, which has been really good. I REALLY enjoy working with her. It's nice and I still get to spend time with her. I just wish she had more work so I could work with her more. People keep giving me crap for not having a job, but I'm bringing in just as much if not more than Tim by working with my mom and doing free lance photography work. Yesterday I did some senior pictures. If I could do one photography gig a week I wouldn't HAVE to work!