Saturday, November 05, 2011

Over One Year?!?

The last time I wrote anything was OVER A YEAR AGO? What the hell?!? How did ONE WHOLE YEAR go by already?

Well, what's happened in the past year:

-Tim proposed last Christmas eve! <3
-The wedding is June 29th, 2012
-I am one year closer to finishing college!

I guess those would be the major points from the last year. :)

Other than that... my mom is in India right now! I bet she's having a ton of fun. It's kind of weird though, I haven't gone for a week without talking to her in ages. I miss her! Also, it's a little worrying because she can't use her phone there so I haven't heard from her since she left her layover in New York on Tuesday.

I know I keep saying it, but I think I'm going to start writing again. I really miss writing. Tim is constantly telling me how great he thinks my writing is and that I should start my own Android blog or something. Haha there's certainly a lack of female Android writers... :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on your engagement! I am getting married on June 30, 2012! What a small world.
